Tag Archives: steadfast

Memorial Day and Living Your Soul Prospering Life

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Copyright 2015 Artisans Workshop Designs

It’s scary to pursue your Soul Prospering Life because it’s probably following dreams that you left behind in childhood or young adulthood.   Your loved ones might laugh; your friends might look at you like you’ve lost it.  You might think you’re being frivolous and childish.

For a moment, think about the people who can’t pursue their Soul Prospering Life.  They can’t pursue theirs because they sacrificed it so you could live your Soul Prospering Life. 

So, if you’re having trouble taking that next step, worried about what others might say, fearful that you’ll look foolish, stop for a moment. 

Just stop. 

Don’t let the people we’re remembering this Memorial Day have died in vain.

Go for it.  Live your Soul Prospering Life.  You can do it!

Your Friend and Pep Pal,


Happy May Day


May Day is filled with hope and a world that’s fresh and new, at least in the Northern Hemisphere.  Take time today to revel in Mother Nature’s beauty, whether it’s springtime where you are or if it’s autumn, enjoy the natural wonders around you.

Happy May Day!

Your Friend and Pep Pal,


A Mid-Week Pep Rally!



I don’t know about you, but oftentimes I need a little boost mid-way through the week. Here are eight pep statements that I’ve used over the years:

This setback is actually a set-up for something fantastic for me

As I keep taking steps, magic and miracles are being released to help me

I have what it takes

I’m smart, I’m strong, I’m creative, I’m tough, I’m inventive, I’m resilient

My breakthrough is just around the corner

I can do this and I AM doing this

All is well

This too shall pass


Feel free to tweak any of the pep statements so that they’ll resonate more powerfully for you.

I believe in you!

Your Friend and Pep Pal,


Pep Rally: I Am!



Start your day right with these statements:


I am capable


I am competent


I am intelligent and I have the common sense, and street smarts to figure it out


I am fully loaded with gifts and talents and latent abilities


I have what it takes to create a soul-prospering life for myself


I am tough in my own way and style


I am strong and I hang in there even when the going gets rocky


I am proud of myself for the baby steps I’m taking to craft my soul-prospering life


I am a child of the Universe


I am excited about my future


I am excited about today


I am happy to be me


I am lucky to be me!


Say these statements to yourself as you stand tall in front of the mirror smiling at yourself. Chose two or three statements to keep handy and repeat to yourself throughout your day.

You can do it!

Your Friend and Pep Pal,


Pep Rally: I Am in Charge!




One of the most important parts of the day is the early morning hours when we first awaken. How we use those minutes sets the tone and the pace for the day. Successful people as well as experts in the Personal Development field encourage us to start with something positive and uplifting.

Here is a Pep Rally to help us get off on the right foot each day. Thee best way to use these statements is to stand tall in front of a mirror, smile brightly, and say these with as much enthusiasm as possible:


I am in charge!


I am in charge of myself


I am in charge of my life


I am in charge of my present moment


I am in charge of my future


I am in charge of what I think about


I am in charge of what I believe about myself


II am in charge of what I believe about my dreams


I am in charge of my capabilities, skills, and abilities


I am in charge of my competency, intelligence, common sense, and street smarts


I am in charge of saying yes


I am in charge of saying no


I am in charge of my emotions and feelings


I am in charge of how I interpret each situation


I am in charge of looking for the good, the benefit, the catapult moving me forward in all situations


I am in charge of taking action, taking baby steps, of moving forward


I am in charge of getting it done


I am in charge of just doing it


I am in charge of my moods and temperament


I am in charge of taking one more step


I am in charge of the cards that Life has dealt me

I am in charge of whether an event, a situation–or what another has or hasn’t done to me or for me–whether it makes me or breaks me


I am in charge of what I do and what I do not


I am in charge of my doubts


I am in charge of my fears


I am in charge of my worries


I am in charge of my sadness


I am in charge of my anger


I am in charge of my disappointment


I am in charge of my frustration and annoyance


I am in charge of my despondency and depression


I am in charge of my anxieties and panicks


I am in charge of my body


I am in charge of my mind


I am in charge of my soul


I am in charge of my spirituality


I am in charge of how I respond to others


I am in charge of how I respond to situations


I am in charge of how I respond to events


I am in charge of how I respond to getting the short end of the stick


I am in charge of my freedom


I am in charge of my thoughts


I am in charge of my dreams


I am in charge!


If any of these statements resonate with you, jot them down and keep them handy. Say them often to yourself through out thee day.

You can do it because you ARE in charge!


Your Friend and Pep Pal,


Begin Again: What to Say to Yourself



Here are positive statements to say to yourself frequently throughout the day:


I choose to begin again right now. 


This moment is fresh and new and I step into its glorious possibilities. 


I release and let go of all that no longer serves me. 


I turn my back on the past–out of sight, out of mind. 


I focus on the present and look to my bright future. 


I’m excited about my future because it’s full of potential.


Your Friend and Pep Pal,


Begin Again: The New Days, a Poem by Edgar A. Guest



We all have cherished memories of wonderful times in the past, and we also can remember times that weren’t so great. It’s okay to think of these every once in a while, but to dwell in the past…not such a good strategy.

As the poem below points out, living in the present moment and looking ahead to the bright promise of the future is a great way to begin again.


The New Days

         The old days, the old days, how oft the poets sing,        

The days of hope at dewy morn, the days of early spring,        

The days when every mead was fair, and every heart was true,        

And every maiden wore a smile, and every sky was blue        

The days when dreams were golden and every night brought rest,        

The old, old days of youth and love, the days they say were best        

But I—I sing the new days, the days that lie before,        

The days of hope and fancy, the days that I adore.     


The new days, the new days, the selfsame days they are;        

The selfsame sunshine heralds them, the selfsame evening star        

Shines out to light them on their way unto the Bygone Land,       

And with the selfsame arch of blue the world to-day is spanned.        

The new days, the new days, when friends are just as true,        

And maidens smile upon us all, the way they used to do,        

Dreams we know are golden dreams, hope springs in every breast;        

It cheers us in the dewy morn and soothes us when we rest.         


The new days, the new days, of them I want to sing,        

The new days with the fancies and the golden dreams they bring;        

The old days had their pleasures, but likewise have the new        

The gardens with their roses and the meadows bright with dew;        

We love to-day the selfsame way they loved in days of old;        

The world is bathed in beauty and it isn’t growing cold;        

There’s joy for us a-plenty, there are tasks for us to do,        

And life is worth the living, for the friends we know are true.

~Edgar A. Guest


Your Friend and Pep Pal,


Begin Again: Techniques to Use When Life Happens



As a follow-up to yesterday’s post encouraging us to hang in there when the inevitable challenges show up, below are a few techniques that might help us.


Rekindle hope.

Talk to a friend or loved one who can be counted on to be positive, encouraging, and supportive.

If we don’t have anyone in our life like this right now, then we can go to YouTube and listen to the many, many motivational and inspirational messages posted there.


Have a small victory–a large one is good, too!

We can do an easy task, for instance, cleaning out and straightening the junk drawer in the kitchen.   Having a small victory can go a long way toward helping us gain perspective on our circumstances.


Help someone.

Perhaps there’s a colleague or a neighbor that is struggling. Reach out a helping hand. This can help us get out of our own way and can help us see that we aren’t the only one with problems and difficulties.

If nothing else, we can share our smile with passersby and hold the door open for the people coming behind us.


Be gentle and kind.

While we might be tempted to find fault with ourselves, this is counter-productive. This only adds to the bad feelings we may be experiencing.

Instead realize that we did our best with the information and skills we had at the time. It’s fine to note the places where we might improve or use a different tactic next time, but to dwell on it doesn’t help.

Kindness and gentleness–which is NOT the same as letting ourselves off the hook–are what are needed now. These can go a long way toward soothing and calming us so that we can think and then take action. Clear thinking and taking action are the two most important things we can do.


The next moment is fresh and new and ready for us to begin again.

The next moment is full of potential. We can choose right here and right now to make a fresh start. No matter what has or has not happened in the past, we can begin anew now.


You can do this; you can begin again!

Your Friend and Pep Pal,


Begin Again: Back by Popular Demand: Life Happens



I originally published this post on October 27, 2016 and it’s as relevant today as it was two years ago.






I came across this message from Les Brown, a well-known motivational speaker. The email was about a new book he’s written and what struck me was the following:


“… The reality is that – LIFE HAPPENS.  

You name it and things happen! Listen, no matter what happens – you WILL have obstacles. You WILL have hard days and many times life WILL knock you down…

But, remember one thing… the floor is no place for a winner.

Get up. Right now. Do it.

If you have to…get up and just crawl.

Cry, scream or shout.

But, get up!

Lying down & GIVING UP will NEVER change a single thing. Talking about how close you were will not bring it about. Complaining will not put any money in the bank.

Just stand up, shake it off, throw away the negativity and get your head right!

We all get the wind knocked out of us from time to time by Life. Do not let it get the best of you! You are stronger than you think you are. You have the right stuff DO NOT take it personally. It is called Life. Get up, get busy…..”

~Les Brown



I can attest to this myself that Life just plain old happens. For instance, the end of the month is in sight and you might be like I me thinking that you made it through relatively unscathed financially…only to have the heating unit in your home blow a main component just as wet, raw, and bitter weather moves in sending temperatures plummeting.


When Life wallops you, Les is right about the fact that you can’t give up or give in or throw in the towel or quit. As he says, it’s okay to scream, shout, cry, and curse if you have to; you may even have to take a step back and catch your breath, but don’t knuckle under.

You may not have the energy, wherewithal, and mental stamina to take care of everything all at once. But you can do something, even if it’s only a little tidbit of something. Ask yourself what can you do right here and right now about this–can you make a phone call or send an email?

What helps me is to think of the small things I can do, the easy pieces I can handle. Doing those things gets the momentum going and then I can usually tackle the bigger and harder things that can’t necessarily be broken down into smaller steps.

And, if my mind wants to race ahead to the worst case scenario, I gently pull it back and remind it that I am taking helpful steps and I won’t know what’s down the road until these steps finish playing out. Once they do, then I’ll see what’s what at that point, and then take more steps.

Also, I accept the fact that going through a rough patch oftentimes has periods where it isn’t pretty. I may not go through them with agility and panache but as long as I make it through, I figure that’s all that matters!

So if Life has happened to you, keep going no matter what!

You can do it, I’m sure of it!

Your Friend and Pep Pal,


Begin Again: 10 More Quotes to Inspire You



One of the most important things we can keep in mind as we build our soul-prospering lives is that we can always begin again.   We can always press the reset button, start fresh, begin anew. It’s never too late, we’re not too old, and it isn’t true that too much time has passed. We can and we should start again whenever we need to.

Below are a few more quotes to add to the selection that I posted yesterday.


Beginning is the most important part of the work. ~Plato


The first step toward getting somewhere is to decide you’re NOT staying where you are. ~J.P. Morgan


Forgiveness says you are given another chance to make a new beginning ~Desmond Tutu


You live, you learn, and you upgrade. ~Unknown


It’s never too late to be whoever you want to be. I hope you live a life you’re proud of, and if you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start over. ~F. Scott Fitzgerald.


When you can no longer think of a reason to continue, you must think of a reason to start over.   ~Linda Poindexter


There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind. ~C. S. Lewis


Do you see each day as a fresh start or are you carrying yesterday into this brand new day. See the possibilities of beginning anew.   ~Theodore W. Higginsworth


There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning. ~Louis L’Amour


The bad news is that most people give up; they settle for second best; they don’t start over; they stay stuck. Please don’t allow that to be you. ~Doug Fields


Keep handy those quotes that rung true for you. Refer to them often this week, especially when you need a boost.


Your Friend and Pep Pal,
