Morning Routines: What If…?


Last week we talked about James Allen’s recommendation that we get up when our alarm clock first rings. He claimed that this simple act strengthens our will, leading to self-mastery, which is the cornerstone of a successful and fulfilling life.

This got me to thinking a little deeper about morning routines. We all have one, whether it’s something regimented or if it’s a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants, we all have certain things we do in the morning to get us up and going and out the door, reasonably on time.

When we think of the phrase “morning routine” it conjures up serious activities such as meditating and exercising. These are great activities and they certainly are worthy of being included in our morning routine, but what if we also included some “fun stuff”?

How would it make us feel to give ourselves enough time to sit quietly outside with our morning coffee or tea and watch the sunrise? What kind of a boost would it give our spirits?

How about scheduling in time for us to do something that’s totally indulgent and even frivolous for ourselves: practicing magic tricks, learning how to juggle, playing the kazoo, learning how to do handstands, or my favorite activity of practicing our bubble blowing technique?

Do you think this would put a spring in our steps and get us off to a happy start in our day?

I think so! I also think it’s worth a shot!

Let me know what totally indulgent and frivolous things you like to do. No worries if you can’t think of anything. Tomorrow we’ll talk about a few things you can do.


Your Friend and Pep Pal,


4 thoughts on “Morning Routines: What If…?”

  1. Most of my mornings include singing, either while straightening the kitchen, or as a focused activity. I let myself sing any way I choose, allowing a morning song to emerge, then I might go on to sing some patterns, paying close attention to my breath and sound without judgement. I might even get to sing some favorite songs. Then I feel energized and ready for the rest of the day!


  2. I love this, Julie! Singing is a great way to begin your day. I love how you allow yourself to sing any way you choose. That to me says that sometimes you may sing in the lower registers and other times you may try your hand at rap or opera, and then there are times when you probably sing ‘normally’. I’m sure you have a lot of fun with it and I am absolutely sure that you have quite a zing in your step afterward! Thank you for sharing!
    Your Friend and Pep Pal,


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