Tag Archives: honoring

Point #1 of Sitting in Silence – Sitting in Silence Day 3



The world is a place filled with all sorts of uproar and rushing and confusion.  Don’t you ever want to step to the side out of the way and sit down to catch your breath—or even lay down and take a nap?


Sitting in silence allows you to move out of the pandemonium of the world and into your private haven of peace.

If you haven’t already, take a moment to sit in silence right now.  If you’ve already done this, take this moment to do it again.  Feel the peace.  Allow it to infuse your body, mind, and spirit.

Something Better is Up Ahead! 

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.  Thank you!  Also, remember to forward these posts to your friends and family.  Thank you!

Your Friend and Pep Pal,


Sitting in Silence – Do it Now! Day 2



If you haven’t already sat in silence today, take a moment to do it right now.  If you’ve already done this, take this moment to do it again. 

Something Better is Up Ahead!  But it won’t *just happen*; you have to help it along.  One way to do that is by regularly sitting in silence.  As explained in yesterday’s post, this will help you hear your Inner Wisdom.  It’s by following your Inner Wisdom that you craft your soul-prospering life.

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.  Thank you!  Also, remember to forward these posts to your friends and family.  Thank you!

Something Better is Up Ahead!

Your Friend and Pep Pal,


Inner Wisdom Through Silence: Day 1



Now that we’ve done a little cleaning and clearing of our environments as well as our minds and emotions, we have a little bit of space. 

That means we have room for Silence.

Even if it’s only a tiny smidgen of room, it’s enough.

It’s through Silence that we can re-train ourselves to sense our Inner Wisdom.

Ideally, sit in Silence at the beginning of the day and then again right before bed.  If this doesn’t work for you, then any time is a good time.  Silence can be very restorative—and restful.

It doesn’t have to be a long, drawn-out thing—a few minutes can be beneficial.  You don’t have to hold any particular position such as sitting in a lotus position.  You don’t have to wear any type of special clothing—regular clothes or even your jammies will do.  No special equipment is needed either.

All you need is yourself and a few minutes to just sit quietly.

When in Silence, sense the world around you—are there birds chirping?  Do you hear traffic sounds?  Is the sun just coming up—can you feel its warmth?  Can you taste the breeze or do you notice the scent of the fresh air? 

After doing this for a few minutes, turn your senses inward.  Are you hearing the Still Small Voice?  Do you feel a tug or a pull of a desire? 

No worries if you don’t sense your Inner Wisdom now.  And don’t worry if it seems like the only thing on the inside of you is Monkey Mind, or worry or sadness, or frustration.  Listening to these, really listening as if it’s a beloved loved one trusting you with their fears, disappointments, and annoyances, you’ll gain valuable insights.  Keep listening and soon you’ll sense your Inner Wisdom lovingly and gently offering comfort and help. 

Your Inner Wisdom has always been right there for you.  It’s there for you now and it will always be there for you, no matter what.

Don’t worry or be afraid or be hesitant.  We’ll do this together.  We’ll help each other and hold each other’s hand.  No worries!

Remember, we’re doing this because Something Better is Up Ahead!

Your Friend and Pep Pal,


Something Better is Up Ahead in 2021! 30 Days of Letting Go: Day 22

Courtesy of Google Images


For the last day of our 31 Days of Letting Go I want to share with you an article I thought was really cool.  It’s about creating Earth AltarsClick here to be taken to the post.

I love this article! 

It resonated with me because it aligns with Marie Kondo’s philosophy about our homes being sacred spaces and honoring them.  I love that!  Although the article on Earth Altars talks about making your garden a sacred space, I think this can apply to all of our spaces—home, work, and community areas.

You might think that honoring a community space sounds weird and nearly impossible to do.  Not so!  Following the lead of Andy Goldsworthy, a world-renown Land/Environmental Artist, he uses found objects in nature to create art.  The art is not intended to be permanent—he often uses icicles or creates mounds of sea rocks near the tide line.  He makes art for the enjoyment of passersby.

As we let go of stuff in our homes and other spaces, let’s challenge ourselves to make something that’s a token of how we honor the spaces we are in.  It doesn’t have to be a beautiful creation like the ones shown in the Earth Altars article or like what Andy Goldsworthy creates.  It can be simple things such as a small pot of Gerbera Daisies in your kitchen, hanging a photo or a piece of your artwork in your living room, having a scented candle on your bedside table, or a small seasonal decoration on your desk at work. 

The really neat thing about Earth Altars, Land/Environmental Art, and tokens of honoring our spaces, they are fun to create and very satisfying to view every day.  Such a great way to celebrate ourselves and the marvelous work we’ve done this month!

Yay you!  You done good, Kid!!

Please to share these posts with your loved ones and friends.  Thank you!

Something Better is Up Ahead!

Your Friend and Pep Pal,
