Category Archives: Pep Rally!

Self Talk to Neutralize a Bully’s Statements About You


We’re half way through the week and it can seem as if the weekend—and relief from the bullying at work—will never get here. I have put together a few self talk phrases that I have found helpful and I think they can help you as well. My intent behind them is neutralizing the guilt and shame you may feel that can result from being bullied.

Some of the phrases may have a spiritual bent to them. Please don’t let that put you off. Freely substitute words and concepts that resonate with you. Remember to repeat these, or the ones you craft for yourself, OFTEN. I can’t stress enough the importance of repeating uplifting messages ALL the time when you’re in a bullying situation.

I am innocent

I am anointed by and with Grace and Mercy

I am innocent

I am absolved

I am innocent

I am exonerated

I am innocent

All unjust and malicious accusations regarding me and all gossip about me have been expunged from my mind, my soul, and my spirit

I am innocent

My slate is wiped clean

I am innocent

I am blessed

I am innocent

Magic and Miracles abound in my life

I am innocent

As you can probably guess, I have found the phrase “I am innocent” to be particularly helpful. The bully wants you to believe that everything is your fault, that you are to blame. This is absolutely not true! While the bully is berating you try repeating to yourself the phrase “I am innocent”. Let me know how it works for you.

Good luck, I’m thinking of you. Feel free to share self talk statements that you find very helpful. Thanks!

Your Friend and Pep Pal,


Crafting a Soul-Prospering Life: 12 Inspiring Quotes for the New Week


One of the first things to do in order to craft a soul-prospering life is to get your thoughts right.

Each day is another stepping stone to your soul-prospering life. If you use faulty materials in the form of unhelpful assumptions about yourself (I don’t have what it takes) or misshapen materials in the form of negative thoughts (I can’t, it’s too hard), then the path you’re building won’t be strong and stable and it won’t take you where you want to go.

Here are thoughts you can think the first thing in the morning. Keep these handy to refer to throughout your day:

Don’t let idiots ruin your day. ~Unknown

Today is going to be awesome! ~Unknown

Make good on the promises to yourself. ~Unknown

Feel beautiful today! ~Unknown

Starting today, forget what’s past, appreciate what you have, and look forward to what’s ahead. ~Unknown

If you want your life to change…your choices must change and today is the best day of your life to begin. ~Unknown

Don’t look back. You aren’t going that way. ~Unknown

A little step may be the beginning of a great journey. ~Unknown

Your future is created by what you do today. ~Unknown

Your future is not in your past. Stop looking behind you! ~Unknown

It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood! ~Mr. Rogers

I believe in you! You CAN create a soul-prospering life! ~Lauren, Your Friend and Pep Pal,

Your Friend and Pep Pal,

Happy New Year! A Pep Rally for 2018!


There is nothing random in the universe. Everything has a reason and a purpose behind it. We may not understand it, we may not have the science and math to explain it, but there is a reason and a purpose for everything.

Including you.

Because everything has a reason and a purpose behind it, there wasn’t any random, spur-of-the-moment creation. Everything has been meticulously planned down to the smallest detail.

Including you.

Therefore, the family you were born into, your nationality, your level of intelligence, your socio-economic status, your gifts and talents…none of this was random. It was specifically, willfully, with forethought, planned out and created.

You are in the right place in the right time and just as you ought to be in order to carry out your purpose. You have what it takes to craft a soul-prospering life for yourself–a life that makes a difference, that has an impact.

Don’t get caught up in the minutia, the little things in life such as whether or not your skin is the right color or whether or not you’re the right gender or whether or not you have the right type of last name. First of all, there isn’t much you can do about it and, secondly, these things don’t really matter anyway.

The things you can’t change about yourself–your height, your coloring, your age, etc.–don’t have any bearing on whether or not you’ll be successful because it’s your belief about what you can and can’t do, and your attitudes about yourself and the world that will determine whether you’re successful…or not.

The way you have been created has given you something unique to say and to do in this world, and it’s your mission, your purpose, to see that it gets done. What you look like, where you come from, your particular outlook on life, is what gives you your unique perspective and makes what you have to say fresh and new.

No one else can say and do what you can. No one else can bring your particular sense and sensibility and passions to the world. This is the stuff of which your compelling ‘why’ is made.   Even if other people are passionate about the same things you are, the uniqueness of you gives you a special something that no one else has. You bring something different–and desperately needed–to the conversation.

Because you are who you are, you are able to reach people in a way that no one else can.  

You have what it takes–it’s all there inside you. Trust yourself. Trust everything that you are–all of who you are–because it’s all there specifically to help you Live your purpose and your passion and achieve your mission here on Earth.

So stop fretting about things that don’t really matter and things you can’t change about yourself. Focus instead on your purpose and your mission–which is the basis of your compelling ‘why’. Then, to the best of your ability, get out there and do it!

Happy 2018!

Your Friend and Pep Pal,


Back by Popular Demand: Pep Rally! Others’ Choices versus Your Own


One of the obstacles we have in crafting a soul-prospering life is putting too much emphasis on what other people think–especially those who are close to us and whom we trust.

This is a natural and normal thing because the people close to us have our best interest at heart and they truly want to be helpful and they want us to succeed.

But they don’t have the Vision of our dreams that we do so they don’t always “get it”. And sometimes, even though they mean well, they may actually discourage us from pursuing our dreams.

I wrote the following post on 4/28/15 and it’s as relevant now as it was then. When you read it, let me know what you think. Thanks! & Artisans Workshop Designs 2015






Don’t let others’ choices affect and influence the way you choose to live your life.

When it comes to pursuing dreams, what they choose—or don’t choose—has no bearing on what you should and should not choose regarding your dreams. They’re your dreams and they were built into your DNA as you were forming.

Others may not understand why you want to achieve your particular dreams and they may offer tweaks and suggestions of what you ought to do in an effort to help you refine your dreams. But they don’t hear the urgings and whisperings of your heart and soul. They don’t see the vision that you have regarding your dreams. And, they don’t have your gifts, talents, and abilities that were given to you on purpose so that you can have what it takes to achieve your dreams.

People you know or read about seem to have all the answers so it looks like they know what they’re doing and, as a result, they seem so far ahead. You may be thinking that their way is the right way for you to achieve your dreams.

Not true!

You have the innate intelligence, know-how, talents, abilities, and instincts that are specially formulated just for you and in particular so that you can achieve your dreams!

Sometimes your friends and family just don’t “get it” about your dreams and they seem to wash their hands of you. You may find yourself all alone in pursuing your dreams. Actually, most likely you will find yourself all alone at one point or another.

No worries!  

As you continue to travel along the pathway to your dreams, you’ll meet other people along the way who will have similar dreams and goals. They’ll be more sympatico with you and your dreams.

Good news! 

You’ll still be able to have a close relationship with your friends and family! Having new friends that do “get it” regarding your dreams takes the pressure off your family and friends to “get it”, which frees the relationship so you can then go back to enjoying each other’s company!

Woo Hoo!

Your homework today is to keep on keeping on pursuing your dreams in the best way you know how.

Decide on the steps you need to take. Break them into small pieces and little parts. Breaks those into tiny bits. As you need to, keep breaking things down into little morsels, crumbs, flakes, and slivers until you get to specks that are just the right size for you. Then do those specks, bits, parts, pieces, and steps!

You can do it!

I’m so proud of you!

Your Friend and Pep Pal,


Back by Popular Demand: Pep Rally! You ARE the Perfect One! and Artisans Workshop Designs


As we finish up 2017, there are a few things to keep in mind about yourself: You have been specifically created as you. You are the way you are–your background, the way you look, your nationality, etc.–for a specific purpose.

The way you have been put together and the experiences you have had gives you a particular perspective on the world, not to keep you down but rather to give you a fresh and new way of bringing goodness into the world.

There are people who are hungry for what you have to say, the things that you can do, and what you have to offer. And only you, precisely because you are the way you are, can reach these people.

Keep these in mind as we leave 2017 and enter 2018:

(Please note: the following post was originally published on 3/3/15)

~You are the perfect one to make your dreams come true;

~You are the right one to make your dreams come true;

You are chosen to make your dreams come true;

~You have been specially and thoughtfully crafted to make your dreams come true;

~You have all the talents and gifts you need in order to make your dreams come true;

~You have the innate intelligence and abilities to make your dreams come true;

~You have what it takes to make your dreams come true;

~You are approved to make your dreams come true;

~You have permission to make your dreams come true;

~You are being guided by the whisperings of your heart and soul and by the wise counsel of the Still Small Voice within;

~You are in the right place at the right time doing the right thing in the right way in order to make your dreams come true;

~You can make your dreams come true!

Your homework today is to get out your mirror. Change these statements to “I” statements, especially the ones that ring true for you. Then, with a big smile and with great enthusiasm, say them as you gaze at yourself in the mirror.

Jot down your favorite statements and keep them handy so you can refer to them throughout your day, as often as you need.

Let the energy of these statements propel you onward as you take steps toward your dreams, even if those steps are actually only little bits of steps. Nothing is wasted; it all adds up!

You can do it!

I’m so proud of you!

Your Friend and Pep Pal,


Pep Talk: Routines are Your Friend!



That word has a dull sound to it and it conjures images of mindless drudgery.  Believe it or not, routines can also be freeing.  They can help you take the guess work out of crafting your soul-prospering life.

A few benefits of routines:

~Keep you on track with what’s important to you;

~Help you get the most important things done each day–the things that will have the greatest impact on crafting your soul-prospering life;

~Free up mind-space for thinking about and working on the most important tasks–you won’t have to waste brain power in remembering to take out the garbage or put gas in the car, etc.;

~Making sure you accomplish essential self-care tasks such as exercising, nutrition, rejuvenating, and getting the rest that you need;

~Help you overcome fear and discouragement by helping you take the next little baby step.


Routines don’t have to be dull and full of mind-numbing and soul-crushing tasks.  Routines, used properly, can be the structure that enables you to craft your soul-prospering life.

Tomorrow, we’ll talk a look at Ben Frankin’s routine.   Stay tuned!

Your Friend and Pep Pal,



Pep Talk: You Can Do It Motivation from TD Jakes Part 6 – Inspiring Quotes



My original intention for this week’s posts was to share inspirational and motivational videos of a variety of speakers. This one video, though, of TD Jakes has struck a chord with me. I hope it has helped you as well.

Here are a few of his quotes that have stayed with me. Enjoy!

You ask the Universe to help you when you aren’t willing to help yourself. You want the Universe to help you pass the test when you aren’t learning, studying, preparing, and following through.   ~TD Jakes


If you’re a weak person, you quit because things didn’t go the way you imagined it. Ask yourself: do you have Something To Say, Something To Do, or not? ~TD Jakes


Can you master the breaking point? This, more than anything else, determines your success. And mastering the breaking point is 100% under your control because it’s all about your attitude, your thoughts, and mastering your mind. ~TD Jakes


What do you BELIEVE about yourself? Not what you think about yourself or hope about yourself or wish about yourself.   What do you BELIEVE is true about yourself? ~TD Jakes


If you run after your destiny you will automatically distance yourself from your history. If you run toward what’s in front of you, you’ll escape your history. Don'[t spend all your time trying to fix what’s behind you because you’ll never be able to fix what’s behind you, You have to RUN after what’s out in front of you! ~TD Jakes


Which of these quotes do you find most inspiring? Let me know in the comments below. Thanks!

Your Friend and Pep Pal,


Pep Talk: You Can Do It Motivation from TD Jakes Part 5 – The Breaking Point


Can you master the breaking point? This, more than anything else, determines your success. And mastering the breaking point is 100% under your control because it’s all about your attitude, your thoughts, and mastering your mind. ~TD Jakes


Wow. Talk about being floored when I read this quote.   It’s so true!

It’s easy to be positive and to keep going when everything is smooth and clear and all things are going our way.

The tale is told when the going is so tough we think we can’t go on…when we’re sure in the very next moment, we will die.

It’s at this very moment–at the breaking point–that our future is determined.

If we dig in, refuse to quit, then we go in the direction of achieving our soul-prospering life.

If we quit, give up, then we go in the direction of something perhaps sorta kinda maybe like our soul-prospering life…but not really.

What breaking points have you mastered? How did you do it? Please share with us!


Your Friend and Pep Pal,


Pep Talk: You Can Do It, Motivation from TD Jakes, Part 4 The Urge to Quit


Once again, TD Jakes hits it out of the ballpark with the segment from 9:30 – 11:00 about the urge to quit.

When you look at people who have achieved success in their endeavors, all you see is the glory and the rewards. Even if you hear about their struggles and doubts, somehow they don’t seem so bad or difficult because, after all, your heroes ended up being successful. It couldn’t have been that bad for them, right?

But it was. It was just as hard, stressful, and heartbreaking for them as it is for you. The difference between them and you is that they did not wallow in their insecurities and doubt; they didn’t allow the heartbreak to defeat them.

Sure, your heroes may have had to take a break or grieve their heartbreaks, but then they found a way to get back to it.

Join me in listening to the video, paying particular attention to the segment between 9:30 – 11:00, and let me know what you think.


Your Friend and Pep Pal,

Pep Talk: You Can Do It, Motivation from TD Jakes, Part 3: Commitment


We’re still talking about the TD Jakes motivational video entitled You Can Do It. Today we’re talking about the segment from 7:00 – 7:30, which is about your commitment to crafting your own soul-prospering life

Sometimes we look to others to be committed to our dreams while we hang back. We don’t fully commit to our own dreams. Not only do others pick up on this so they are reluctant to help for fear of taking on the burden of making our dreams come true, but it’s also a back-handed way of us asking for permission, if our idea is good enough, if we have what it takes

First of all, it’s our dream and isn’t the responsibility of someone else to achieve on our behalf.

Secondly, it’s our dream so WE are the one with the Vision and the special talents needed to manifest the dream. Others don’t have the Vision and they don’t have the special talents needed. It’s unfair–and perhaps cruel–to expect them to make our dreams come true for us.

Third, no one else can judge us and tell us if we’re good enough or if we have what it takes. No one else can give us permission–or withhold it. The fact that we have the dream is enough proof that we have what it takes and it’s also all the permission we’ll ever need.
Go for it! Go for your dreams!

Join me in listening to the video, paying particular attention to the segment between 7:00 – 7:30, and let me know what you think.


Your Friend and Pep Pal,