All posts by L

Sitting In Silence Day 11


When asking question, as we talked about in Tuesday’s post, know that the answers will come.  They always come.  It’s our job to keep our minds clear of worry and anger and discouragement and overwhelm so that we can recognize the answers when they come.

The answers do not come in the form of a fairy godmother who waves a wand and all your troubles disappear.

The answers come in the form of an impetus for action.  And the action doesn’t seem to be related to the question.

For instance, a lyric in a song will stand out to you and give you an idea, or a book may fall into your lap or you may overhear a snippet of strangers’ conversation that is exactly the information you needed to hear.  These sort of things happen to us numerous times and we pass it off as coincidence or a lucky happenstance. 

Not so!

This is Grace.  It is Divine answering you!

Continue with your sitting in silence.  The more you do it, the easier you will sense your Inner Knowing, the Still Small Voice, your Inner Wisdom.

Something Better is Up Ahead!

Your Friend and Pep Pal,



Sitting In Silence Day 10

Here’s I added in my sitting in silence session today:

All is well.

I also continued with yesterday’s thoughts:

Something Better is Up Ahead!


Thank you!

How are your sessions of sitting in silence going? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.  Also, please share these posts with your friends and loved ones. Thank you!

Your Friend and Pep Pal,


Sitting In Silence Day 9


Here’s what I’m sitting in silence with today:

Something Better is Up Ahead!


Thank you!

How about you?  What are you sitting in silence with?  Please share your thoughts in the comments below.  Thank you!

Your Friend and Pep Pal,



Sitting In Silence Day 8


When you sit in silence, ask questions. 

Not the ones that are variations of

  • “Why me?” 
  • “What’s wrong with me?” 
  • “Why do things never work out for me?” 
  • “Why can’t I ever do anything right?”

These are disempowering questions.  They will not help you craft a soul-prospering life. 

Ask empowering questions.

Ask questions such as

  • “What Gift is trying to emerge in my life?” 
  • “What can I do to help this Gift manifest?”
  • “How can I more effectively deliver my Gift to the world?”
  • “How can I be of service?”

These will move you forward.  These will help you craft your soul-prospering life.

If you haven’t already done your sitting in silence, do so right now. If you have already sat in silence, do it again right now. 

Ask an empowering question and allow the answer to come.  Open your senses because the answer is trying to capture your attention!

Something better is up ahead! 

Please share your comments and insights below.  Thank you!

Please forward this post to a friend or loved one.  Thank you!  

Your Friend and Pep Pal,



Sitting In Silence Day 7

Cortona Guardian Angel 01, courtesy wiki commons


There must be always remaining in every life, some place for the singing of angels, some place for that which in itself is breathless and beautiful. ~Howard Thurman


This quote by Howard Thurman perfectly sums up all the reasons for sitting in silence or meditating or praying or being mindful or contemplative prayer.  It’s to create a safe space in your life for yourself where your heart can sing with the angels and your soul can fly with them. 

It’s through allowing yourself to create this for yourself that then you hear the Still Small Voice of your Inner Wisdom and all the Divine Inspiration and Guidance it has just for you.

If you haven’t already done your sitting in silence, do so right now.  If you have already sat in silence, do it again right now.  It’s so good for you!!

Something better is up ahead!  Yippee!

Please share your comments and insights below.  Thank you!

Please forward this post to a friend or loved one.  Thank you!  

Your Friend and Pep Pal,



Sitting In Silence Day 6


One of the things that sometimes makes me think I can’t meditate or sit in silence or pray or participate in contemplative prayer is that my mind is filled with all sorts of thoughts that I can’t seem to quiet.  I know I’m not alone in this because it seems to be one of the top reasons why people don’t stick with meditation. 

What I’ve found, though, is that when I let my thoughts go where they will and then I take a moment or two to observe them, I discover habit patterns that perhaps I might want to change.  I’ve also discovered habit patterns that are helpful and good and, of course, these are ones that I’d like to emphasis in my life.

So, don’t worry about it if you can’t still or quiet your mind.  It’s okay.  In fact it’s very good.  You can learn so much about yourself.

For instance, do you find your thoughts can be categorized as worry or fear thoughts?  Usually that means you are thinking about the past or what might come in the future.  That’s helpful for you to know about yourself because this colors your perception of your life and what you think can—or cannot—achieve or have.

Same with angry, frustrated, impatient thoughts as well as sad, depressed, despairing thoughts.  Is this really how you want to view your world, what options and opportunities you have, and what you are or are not able or allowed to do?      

What kinds of thoughts are you having?  What incident or circumstance is driving them?  What can you do about it in the here and now because you can’t do anything to change the past and the only way you can have a better future is to help yourself in the here and now.  If you find there is absolutely nothing you can do, then drop it.  Let it go.  Move on.  Focus on the here and now, right where you are this moment.  Think about what you can do to help yourself.  Then do it.

If you haven’t already done your sitting in silence, do so right now.  If you have sat in silence, do it again right now!  It’s so good for you!!

Something better is up ahead, and you can hurry it along by doing what needs to be done in the here and now.

Please share your comments and insights below.  Thank you!

Please forward this post to a friend or loved one.  Thank you!  

Your Friend and Pep Pal,


Point #3 of Sitting in Silence – Sitting In Silence Day 5


After the beginnings of peace (Point #1) and slowing your pace (Point #2), then you can begin to hear yourself think—Point #3

It’s imperative to hear yourself think.  It’s only once you can hear yourself think that you can sort through your thoughts and begin to hear the Still Small Voice.  You’ll be able to discern your Inner Wisdom from the critical thoughts, the sad thoughts, the frustrations, the worries, etc..

If you haven’t already did your sitting in silence, do so right now.  If you have sat in silence, do it again right now!  It’s so good for you!!

Let’s sit together.  Take a few moments and let go.  Give yourself a cocoon of peace.  Give yourself the gift of a slower more natural pace.  Now listen—no judgement!  Just listen.  As you continue to do this, you will begin to tell the difference between your Inner Voice (it’s the same as the Still Small Voice) and all the other thoughts.  Stick with it!

Please share your comments and insights below.  Thank you!

Please forward this post to a friend or loved one.  Thank you!  

Your Friend and Pep Pal,



Point #2 of Sitting in Silence – Sitting in Silence Day 4,_Reed_College,_Portland,_Oregon_(2013).JPG


Yesterday we talked about how sitting in silence creates room in your life for peacefulness.

Today we’re talking about another cool thing that sitting in silence does for you: it slows you down.

I don’t know about you but most days I feel as if I’m pulled and poked and pushed and prodded in a million directions. Social tells me I need to do certain things, the media tells me I need to do other things, the boss tells me I need to complete all the projects on my desk, my neighbor is already beginning spring clean-up outside and I haven’t even begun last year’s fall clean-up!


On and on it goes!

When you sit in silence, even for a few moments, you begin to feel your natural pace. I guarantee you it’s slower than the pace the world tries to force on you.

If you haven’t done your sitting in silence yet, let’s do it together. Right now. Even if you’ve already had your sitting in silence session, do another one with us.   It’s so good for you!

You can sit, stand, or recline. The important thing is to feel comfortable. Let yourself relax into the support–the chair, bed, couch, floor. Let it take your weight. Trust that it’ll hold you because it will–no worries!

As you let yourself sink into the support, feel peace gently surround and infuse you. Then feel yourself going at a pace that pleases you–that feels natural to you. Hold that thought and feeling. When you come back to your day, bring that pace into your life. At this time you may only have certain circumstances that allow you this more comfortable pace, such as when you are at home. The more you do it, though, the more it will seep into other areas of your life.

Keep sitting in silence!

Something better is up ahead!

Please share your comments and insights below. Thank you!

Please share this post with your friends. Thank you!

Your Friend and Pep Pal,


Point #1 of Sitting in Silence – Sitting in Silence Day 3


The world is a place filled with all sorts of uproar and rushing and confusion.  Don’t you ever want to step to the side out of the way and sit down to catch your breath—or even lay down and take a nap?


Sitting in silence allows you to move out of the pandemonium of the world and into your private haven of peace.

If you haven’t already, take a moment to sit in silence right now.  If you’ve already done this, take this moment to do it again.  Feel the peace.  Allow it to infuse your body, mind, and spirit.

Something Better is Up Ahead! 

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.  Thank you!  Also, remember to forward these posts to your friends and family.  Thank you!

Your Friend and Pep Pal,


Sitting in Silence – Do it Now! Day 2


If you haven’t already sat in silence today, take a moment to do it right now.  If you’ve already done this, take this moment to do it again. 

Something Better is Up Ahead!  But it won’t *just happen*; you have to help it along.  One way to do that is by regularly sitting in silence.  As explained in yesterday’s post, this will help you hear your Inner Wisdom.  It’s by following your Inner Wisdom that you craft your soul-prospering life.

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.  Thank you!  Also, remember to forward these posts to your friends and family.  Thank you!

Something Better is Up Ahead!

Your Friend and Pep Pal,
